Featuring Mistress Eleise de Lacy. Spreading false rumours around the office about sexual conquests takes some balls when it concerns Mistress Eleise. She decides a sure fire way to put a stop to his claims is to destroy those very balls.
Featuring Mistress Eleise de Lacy. Don't let the sumptuous surroundings and the gentle tones of Mistress Eleise fool you into believing this is anything other than a heavy ball busting feast! She serves up some devastating kicks and punches, with some severe stomping and general intent to obliterate his balls!
Featuring Mistress Athena. This thief gets real retribution when attempting to burgle from Mistress Athena. Caught in the act, he's bundled downstairs to her dungeon where he gets a good hard kicking and some verbal lashing.
Featuring Divine Mistress Heather, Miss Mara Mayhem. Only a very foolish man would cheat on Mistress Heather or Miss Mara, but to cheat on both beggars belief! This cheating cock gets exactly what he deserves - he gets destroyed. His balls take the brunt of their fury beneath a hail of kicks, punches and knee strikes.
Featuring Mistress Petite. This session features a wannabe ball busting slave... eager to please and desperate to take hard kicks, but it was his first time and the pain really shows on his face! Miss Petite relished the opportunity to break his balls in, punching, kicking and kneeing her way through the session with delight!